Paul Hommage (*1988) and Yumi Takeuchi (*1991) are artists duo based in France and Japan, they respectively hold a master degree in Fine Art (ENSAD Nancy) and a PhD in Fine Art (Kanazawa College of Art). They started collaborative work in 2013 for the exhibition « Fresh>>Refresh » in France. They continue their collaboration and include in their personal artistic research problems inherent to the collective creation process.
As they don’t have a native common language, their collective works tend to explore the notion of misunderstanding and the cultural differences between European and Asian cultures. They are used to navigate through foreigners’ expression modalities, artistic processes, languages and reclaim it within a common space of expression. The issue of language used during the creation of artwork induced necessarily a reinterpretation from both actors of the process and similarly made appear a plurality of writings within a unique device. They often work with mixed media, using video projection devices as an overlay interacting with fixed representations. Their works appear as installations, including in their core drawings, etchings, paints, texts and so on. They tend to reveal the porosity between represented spaces and between mediums. Their work investigates various notions such as palimpseste, overlay of representation and necessarily a part of randomness through the collaborative creation process.